“How Spare Eyewear Rescued Me on My Travels”

Vision issues are common while traveling, whether it’s dry eyes from contact lenses on planes’ high-oxygen environments, managing multiple eyewear for various styles or occasions, or wanting stylish photos abroad. I face these challenges too. I used to pack sunglasses, prescription glasses, and sport goggles for sunny destinations, but they took up too much backpack space.

As someone who’s nearsighted, my prescribed glasses are indispensable—they’re like the glue that holds my life together. Without them, I feel almost blind, resorting to squinting and inevitably ending up with forehead wrinkles. My glasses aren’t just an accessory; they’re like a trusted companion, inseparable from me, akin to a cherished partner.

However, disaster struck on my way to my favorite destination. I took off my glasses and placed them inside my backpack for a short nap while waiting to board my flight. Unknowingly, I leaned back against my backpack, using it as an improvised pillow. To my horror, when I reached for my glasses deep inside, I found them at the bottom, scratched and broken into pieces. My heartbeat skipped a beat. All passengers on the same flight as me are lining up to board the plane. It was too late to purchase a new pair of glasses.

PANIC ATTACK, ANXIETY, my mixed up feelings happened before the flight took off.I’m taking everything out of my backpack as I plan to glue all the broken pieces of the frame together, which is the only solution I can think of.

How? What Solutions Do I Have Now?


As I emptied my backpack, I came across a small, bright orange box—none other than OOOptic Prescription Magnetic Lenses. What a miracle! If this isn’t a stroke of luck, I don’t know what is. I could feel the weight of worry lifting off my shoulders. I couldn’t imagine how my vacation would have turned out without it tucked away in my backpack.

“OOOptic Prescription Magnetic Lenses attach & detach to all in & outdoor eyewears”,the tagline I saw posted on OOOptic’s social media platform has me eager to attach the magnetic lenses on my sunglasses. At least I can see clearly and be stylish now without worrying. I can finally enjoy my journey to other destinations with peace now.

Another spare do it yourself eyewear is my lifesaver. You never know when you need it. 

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